Adults with FASD – Priorities for Research
In 2018, at the 8th International Research Conference on Adolescents and Adults with FASD, held in Vancouver, BC, about 40 adults living with FASD met with researchers. We talked about what they needed to know and have in place so they could participate in research. We discussed what collaborative research is and the group indicated that they would like to be part of the development of research projects. They liked seeing research led by adults with FASD, such as the health survey completed by Myles Himmelreich, C.J. Lutke and Emily Travis.
Participants in the discussion had been subjects in research, but indicated that they had not received much information about the studies after they were completed. Adults in the group indicated that they wanted to participate in knowledge translation of the research. They could make sure that the research information would get into the hands of people with FASD in a way that they can understand. As part of the session, participants developed a list of their research priorities. (Plus d’infos sur Adults with FASD – Priorities for Research…)