FASD Awareness in conversation with RJ Formanek

Event Date:

September 21, 2023

Event Time:

3:15 pm

Event Location:

Language: English
Date: September 21, 2023 – 3:15-4:15 pm ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free

Description: Having not received an FASD diagnosis until his late forties, RJ Formanek was startled to find how many of the strategies he had used throughout life were a result of FASD.

RJ found that the sharing of these strategies proved a helpful educational tool and that, along with founding the Facebook support group “Flying With Broken Wings”, gives him a unique insight into living with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder, which he shares freely.

He is co-founder of the FASD advocacy and support group “Red Shoes Rocks”, which shows that FASD is real and many people are dealing with it every day, all around the world. RJ also speaks widely, advocating for people living on the spectrum. It is through team effort that there is more research and education being done, and getting this information out to the public is important.

Event Location:

Event Schedule Details

  • September 21, 2023 3:15 pm   -   4:15 pm
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