ABLE2 Grow – FASD and the Criminal Justice System: Clinical and Legal Perspectives

Language: English
Date: September 27, 2023 – 6:30-8:00 pm ET
Location: Virtual
Cost: Free

Description: Individuals living with FASD are often over-represented in the criminal justice system, whether they are accused persons, witnesses, or victims of crime. While FASD research has contributed to a better understanding of how FASD affects individuals involved in the justice system, challenges still exist.

Join ABLE2’s Reach Legal Services for a roundtable discussion on the clinical aspects of how FASD affects individuals involved with the justice system as well as legal implications. Topics of discussion will include: legal considerations available for individuals with FASD at all stages of the criminal process, how individuals with FASD navigate the system as witnesses or victims of crimes, what supports are available, what needs to improve with the current system, and recommendations going forward.

This session is pending accreditation from the Law Society of Ontario for continuing professionalism content.


Event Schedule Details

  • September 27, 2023 6:30 pm   -   8:00 pm
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