Targeting specific signaling pathway could provide new avenue for treating fetal alcohol syndrome

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders are an array of conditions that can occur in a person whose mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy. Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), the most severe of these conditions, often results in physical abnormalities, behavioral development issues and intellectual disabilities.

Researchers at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine have discovered that targeting a

Which Drug Is Actually The Most Harmful?

If someone asked you to bet on which drug is actually the most harmful, which one would you pick?

Fentanyl, a drug 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine – so powerful, even, that it can cause an overdose in a single breath? Or crack cocaine, with nasty side effects that include paranoia, organ failure, seizure, and death?

The correct answer is neither of

Conversation boosts honesty over drinking in pregnancy, study finds

A “conversational approach” is the most successful way of encouraging honest disclosure of drinking habits by pregnant women, a new study says.

This contrasts with previous research that had recommended midwives should use formal screening tools, such as structured questionnaires.

The new study, from Stirling and Edinburgh universities, said it was important to build trust.

It said

From Research to Impact: How Efficient Are Our Health Interventions?

The challenges associated with neurodevelopmental disabilities can be complex, and families often access a wide range of specialized clinical, educational, and community-based interventions to help their children. But the reality is money is limited and competition to fund these interventions and services can be stiff. How efficient are our health interventions?

Being able to prove the

Canadian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Database Demonstrates International Leadership in FASD Research

A decade ago, Chief Scientific Officer of Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN) Dr. James Reynolds remembers considering how groundbreaking it would be to have a Canadian Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) database – one that could capture the many unanswered questions surrounding the disability.

Dr. Sterling Clarren—former Scientific Director of the Canada Fetal Alcohol Spectrum


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