What Educators Need to Know about FASD
A guide to help you plan appropriate programming as a classroom teacher about to teach a student with FASD for the first time.
FASD for School Staff Level II: Practical Strategies for the School Environment (online course)
A course intended for all educators working with students with FASD.
POPFASD (website)
Shares current research, ideas, strategies, training and resources to build capacity in school districts for students with FASD and their teachers
Mental Health Resource and Practice Guide
Outlines resources to better understand FASD throughout the lifespan, practices that may be useful and effective, and opportunities for reflection.
The lay of the land: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) as a whole-body diagnosis
Health / Mental Health
Psychotropic Medication Algorithm for FASD/Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
A decision-tree style medication algorithm to guide prescribers
Comorbidity of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Health / Mental Health
Tips for Parents and Caregivers
This article is written by the FASD Network of Saskatchewan
A Caregiver’s Guide to FASD Diagnosis
A guide for caregivers on how to navigate an FASD Diagnosis
I Am a Caregiver for a Person with FASD Resource Guide
A guide for caregivers with information and resources on providing care for children and adults with FASD.
International FASD Prevention Seminar Series Authors: 14 International Researchers Hosted by CanFASD
Five-part series on what’s known about preventing alcohol use in pregnancy and supporting women’s health.
The Prevalence of Alcohol Use During Pregnancy in Canada