Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder and Trauma Tip Sheet
This document highlights the intersections between FASD and trauma, illustrating shared characteristics and considerations for understanding and addressing both.
FASD Network’s Tips for Employment
Most employers assume that an individual with a disability will require a flexible work schedule. However, this may not be true of an individual with FASD. Most people with FASD require structure, routine and repetition to be successful and master a task, and the same is true of their work schedule. Creating a schedule that […]
FASD Network’s Tips for Individuals
This free downloadable booklet is intended to help people with FASD or possible FASD better understand their diagnosis and how it may affect their lives.
Adults with FASD International Conference 2018 Videos
Eight short videos featuring individuals with FASD followed by a presentation by adults with FASD who are parenting children.
C.J. Lutke’s Blog: This Is What I Know
FASD Changemaker C.J. Lutke tackles shares her experiences and thoughts related to FASD and parenting, memory issues, relationships, and more.
Taking Charge of Your Life
This Partners for Planning resource will guide you and your support network to forming a plan for your future.
Strategies for Individuals with FASD
This resource from the Northeast Alberta FASD Network will help you better understand FASD including how the brain works and how you can deal with everyday challenges.
The FASD Changemakers: A Living Experience
The FASD Changemakers discuss how to overcome obstacles, maximize potential and redefine a successful life.
International FASD Leadership Collaborative: The FASD Changemakers
Meet the FASD Changemakers, remarkable adults with FASD from around the world who are collaborating to build awareness and support for individuals with FASD. Their motto is “nothing about us, without us”.
Until Next Time: FASD & Me for Teens
Six youth mentors with FASD share what they want people to know about their experiences with FASD, including at school, work, in their communities, and more. Youth share their strengths and areas of challenge.
Help Me Understand My FASD Assessment: Advice from People with FASD
An info card designs to help understand your FASD assessment, created from advice provided by people with FASD.