Resources for Individuals with FASD
Find information related to a wide variety of topics relevant to individuals with FASD
Embracing Zak, is the first of several formats within The Embraced Project to be released, and its mission is to move the public’s awareness of FASD
An uplifting debut about an unlikely heroine whose journey will leave you wanting to embark on a quest of your own, because after all… We are all legends of our own making.
This webinar recording provides an overview of the Substance Use and Addictions in FASD Populations study, detailing the results and outcome of the project.
Planning for the future can be a difficult and complicated task. This Future Planning Tool simplifies the process and guides you through the steps of planning for a good life.
This resource provides guidance on planning individualized housing plans, focusing on empowering individuals with disabilities to create sustainable, personalized solutions.
The RDSP helps people with disabilities save for the future through personal contributions combined with government grants and bonds.
Many people with FASD qualify for the Disability Tax Credit, a valuable tool for reducing the amount of income tax you owe each year.
Thinking of applying to the Ontario Disability Supports Program (ODSP) for ages 18+? This helpful guide from the P4P Planning Network is a great resource.
Community Living Essex County published this helpful guide to apps that assist with daily living.
There are a number of things that might be a barrier to you achieving good mental health, such as your personal challenges, stigma, and lack of services available.
The SOAHAC FASD Program provides Indigenous people living with FASD – diagnosed or undiagnosed – with services that promote and support quality of life and positive outcomes.
World-renowned speaker / peer mentor Myles Himmelreich is joined by clinicians and a parent advocate to share valuable information about how FASD is a whole-body medical disorder.
Often medications work quite differently for people with FASD. You may want to give this resource to your medical doctor to assist them with prescribing some medications.
This document from the Asante Centre explores the relationship between trauma and resilience, focusing on strategies to support individuals who have experienced trauma.
Document highlighting the intersections between FASD and trauma, illustrating shared characteristics and considerations for understanding and addressing both.
Most people with FASD require structure, routine and repetition to be successful and master a task, and the same is true of their work schedule.
This free booklet is intended to help people with FASD or possible FASD better understand their diagnosis and how it may affect their lives.
Eight short videos featuring individuals with FASD followed by a presentation by adults with FASD who are parenting children.
Changemaker C.J. Lutke tackles shares her experiences and thoughts related to FASD and parenting, memory issues, relationships, and more.
This Partners for Planning resource will guide you and your support network to forming a plan for your future.
This resource from the Northeast Alberta FASD Network will help you better understand FASD including how the brain works and how you can deal with everyday challenges.
The FASD Changemakers discuss how to overcome obstacles, maximize potential and redefine a successful life.
Meet the FASD Changemakers, remarkable adults with FASD from around the world who are collaborating to build awareness and support for individuals with FASD.
Six youth mentors with FASD share what they want people to know about their experiences with FASD, including at school, work, in their communities, and more. Youth share their strengths and areas of challenge.
This document provides a user-friendly guide to understanding assessment results for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and their families.
Nuzzle is a sensitive and humorous portrayal of adoption, disability and the unconditional relationship between a boy and his service dog, Chancer.
In this delightful book, Marvin the Marmot and his friends learn about living in the moment and becoming familiar with emotions
In this book, Frankie, shares the challenges and joys of having FASD.
Celebrate young people with FASD and their families and equip members of their support networks (teachers, coaches, relatives etc.) to better understand both their strengths and needs.
This page by the American Centre for Disease Control (CDC) shares the stories of four people with FASD.
This Australian webpage includes videos and information shared by people with FASD and caregivers about what they wish people understood about FASD.

FASD Resources for All Ages
This guide explains what to expect and consider if you are asked to take part in a research study.
This video based on NOFAS-UK’s booklet helps children, youth and young adults with FASD better understand how their brain works and how to thrive with FASD.
This vibrant U.K. site, created with input from people with FASD, is filled with advice for understanding your diagnosis, along with fun games and activities, music and videos.
This page, which includes short informative videos, helps people with FASD or possible FASD learn about their diagnosis and what it means to them.
This free downloadable booklet helps people with FASD become familiar with their diagnosis and includes helpful strategies for living with FASD along with quizzes.
This comprehensive guide, not just for caregivers, contains valuable information about getting a diagnosis, including why it is helpful to get one.
Reinier deSmit tells his story of living with FASD for over 56 years – but was only recently diagnosed.
This resource highlights why to get an FASD diagnosis and what to expect during the process