Sex-Related Trends Among People with PAE/FASD

February 4, 2025 – 1 pm - 2:15 pm ET


Individuals with PAE/FASD experience notable sex-related differences in clinical presentation and experiences across the lifespan.

In this webinar, Dr. Katy Flannigan will discuss results from a research analysis of over 2500 clinical records of children, youth and adults from diagnostic centres across Canada.

Dr. Flannigan will present findings of sex-related differences among people with prenatal alcohol exposure that will help to guide researchers, service providers, and policy makers to improve FASD screening, diagnosis, and intervention and better address the needs of individuals with PAE/FASD of all genders.

This webinar will be of interest to professionals, service providers, parents / caregivers, and people with FASD.

Points of Discussion

The webinar will explore findings on sex-based differences in FASD clinical presentations and experiences across the lifespan, aiming to inform more tailored approaches in assessment, treatment planning, and advocacy.