Start Holiday Planning *NOW*!

Close up of a calendar with Holiday marked in red

In this episode, Nate Sheet talks about how we can practically prepare for the holidays for all kinds of children and adults, both with and without developmental disabilities.

Untangle the Holiday Challenges

a person holding a string of tangles Christmas lights

Gain insights about how the holidays affect people with FASD and learn effective ways to prevent many of the difficult behaviours and situations that may arise.

12 Days of Mocktails

photo of 4 glasses of mocktails lined up

This holiday season, choose mocktails over cocktails! There is no safe time, amount, or type of alcohol to drink during pregnancy.

A guide for travelling successfully for children with FASD

FASD is a spectrum disorder with the emphasis on ‘spectrum’, meaning that no two individuals with FASD are the same. This means that there are no right or wrong strategies to put in place for travel: what works for one person with FASD may not work for another. In this book, we will offer some strategies and ideas to try. As a parent/carer, you know your child the best and will know that some strategies will not work as soon as you read about them, so best to avoid those.

Algorithme de medication psychotrope pour le TSAF

Les algorithmes médicamenteux sont des instructions qui, étape par étape, aident les prescripteurs à prendre des décisions concernant les médications à essayer avec différents types de patients.