Two-Eyed Seeing Neurodevelopmental Diagnostic Wheel
An approach to neurodevelopmental assessment that integrates traditional Indigenous practices with western medical approaches.
Indigenous FASD Prevention Series: Community Action
This booklet provides a brief introduction to community-led initiatives that can help to prevent FASD and includes examples from Canada and internationally…
Indigenous FASD Prevention Series: Brief Interventions with Girls and Women
This booklet provides a brief introduction to ways of working with Indigenous girls and women to address alcohol, pregnancy, and other related concerns. Brief interventions are used in schools, in the health care system, and many other settings as a way of supporting health and wellness for Indigenous girls and women and can have an important role in preventing FASD.
What We Know About Alcohol and Pregnancy (Infographic)
Infographic for care providers related to alcohol and pregnancy
10 fundamental components of FASD prevention from a women’s health determinants perspective
This consensus document weaves together a range of sources — women’s1 experiences, other expert wisdom, peer-reviewed research, and published reports — to highlight key approaches to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevention from a women’s health determinants perspective…
Action on FASD Prevention in Canada
Two page brochure highlighting four levels for effective prevention of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
FASD Prevention: An Annotated Bibliography of Articles Published in 2023
Annually, researchers associated with the Prevention Network Action Team (pNAT) of the CanFASD Research Network search the academic literature for articles related to Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevention. The findings are organized using a four-level prevention framework developed by the pNAT to describe the wide range of work that comprises FASD prevention. The annual literature search is intended to update those involved in FASD prevention in Canada, so they can inform their practice and policy work with current evidence…
A guide for travelling successfully for children with FASD
FASD is a spectrum disorder with the emphasis on ‘spectrum’, meaning that no two individuals with FASD are the same. This means that there are no right or wrong strategies to put in place for travel: what works for one person with FASD may not work for another. In this book, we will offer some strategies and ideas to try. As a parent/carer, you know your child the best and will know that some strategies will not work as soon as you read about them, so best to avoid those.
Trainee Series: Exploring Best Practices for FASD Within Indigenous Communities
CanFASD blog post related to FASD with an Indigenous context.
The Eastern Door Centre: Rebalancing the Wheel
Using a two-eyed seeing approach to assessment and support for FASD using a transgenerational advsersity lens.
Algorithme de medication psychotrope pour le TSAF
Les algorithmes médicamenteux sont des instructions qui, étape par étape, aident les prescripteurs à prendre des décisions concernant les médications à essayer avec différents types de patients.
When Your Parents Adopt A Child With Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)