About FASD

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a diagnostic term used to describe impacts on the brains and bodies of individuals prenatally exposed to alcohol.

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Our Purpose

This website on FASD was developed by Health Nexus with funding provided by the Government of Ontario. 

Upcoming Events

Supporting Families Raising Black Children with FASD

Join us on this webinar with Alice Audrain, and gain practical tools and resources to better understand and assist families in navigating the complexities of FASD.

Sex-Related Trends Among People with PAE/FASD

Dr. Katy Flannigan will discuss her research on the role of sex-related differences among individuals assessed for FASD in Canada.

Microboards – Building Supports

Discover the power of Microboards.

Talking About Children’s Mental Health

This webcast, with guests connected to Children’s Mental Health Ontario, is an open conversation about the intersection of disability and mental health that can break through the stigma, making it easier for you and your family to seek help when it’s needed.


Access services and care from providers across Canada

Webinars and virtual trainings

Webinars and virtual trainings

Ontario FASD Worker Directory

Ontario FASD Workers

FASD Family & Caregiver Support Groups

FASD Family & Caregiver Support Groups


Find up to date evidence-based resources on FASD created by specialized service providers. 

This training will teach you specific strategies to support individuals with FASD and their families.

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